Essay from our sophomore Diane Yang, 楊得安同學

I am pleased to post an essay from the summer assignment of our sophomore Diane Yang, 楊得安同學. Her 4 (!) page long writing told a story about visiting the school library after the tennis practice got cancelled because of rain. She read a book in the library about the Holocaust and wrote a report about it. A little detour took her to the school cafeteria before putting her on the bus home.

What is notable about Diane’s writing is the essay used 成語 (Chinese idioms) extensively throughout. For students in 7th grade and above, please try to count how many idioms are in the essay. Diane did a splendid job in stringing them to together in the story. Her handwriting is also clear and clean.

Great job, Diane! You set an exemplary model for the middle schoolers.

Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極
