NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/31

Dear NWCS families,
This Saturday will be Week 7 and we are half way into the fall sememster. For those of you whose checks we haven’t deposited, thank you for your patience. Our former board member Ms. Lynn Winters just stepped up to become our school’s Treasurer. So hopefully we can clear the backlog of financial bookkeeping shortly. I would also like to thank Ms. Chia Chi Chang, whom I lobbied to become 2A teacher while double dutying as Treasurer until now. I would also like to welcome Mr. Tony Wu to become our school’s Registrar. I am very grateful that Tony stepped in to help taking the role from me so I only need to answer emails arrived at the principal account. Lastly, I would like to thank Mr. Addi Hou to step in as co-counselor, along with Mr. Kenneth Soohoo. School counselors are usually the first ones to arrive and the last ones to leave after they check every corner of the space we are using. As we are with the Briarcliff Middle School in the 10th year, the strong relationship is partly indebted to the dedication of our past and current counselors. 
Halloween parade and face painting at 10
I am calling princess and wizards, batman and ninjas, banana and minions to join a short parade and candy run at 10 am in the cafeteria. In addition, our Arts teacher Terry in Mermaid costume will happily paint your face, Mermaid or not. If you plan to bring in cupcakes or other baked goodies, please RSVP with Kay or Vivian before Saturday. 
No lunch order this week
Our Breakfast Club chairladies are reporting lack of interest in lunch orders so we will not be accepting orders this week. If you would like to resume lunch order with the same food outlet or a different one, please speak to Vivian or Kay. We are certainly looking for some healthy choices. After all, one can only eat so much Halloween candy. 
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極