2016 Overseas Chinese Summer Camps

All the overseas Chinese summer camps information will be posted here. NWCS does not endorse any nor guarantee their quality.

We highly recommend you check with friends and relatives whose kids have attended such camps for referral.

1. National Taipei University of Education Chinese Language Education Center 2016 Mandarin Summer Camp. Click for details


2. Chinese Culture Summer Program at Tamkung University. Click for details



3. The Chin children attended this immersion summer camp in July of 2015.  Calvin and family highly recommend it!

Since 2008, That’s Mandarin’s Summer Chinese Camp has been delivering a first-class China learning experience to

hundreds of kids and teens in Beijing and Shanghai!  Students from NWCS, sign-up today and get an additional 5% off!

To find out more click here: http://www.summercampchina.co/
