NWCS Chinese New Year Luncheon survey, Seminar in Chinese 如何培育杰出的第二代

Dear NWCS families,
Happy New Year! Hope you had a wonderful holiday break with your loved ones! We have two more school days on Jan 9 and 16. Please follow your teacher’s instruction to prepare for the final. 
Chinese New Year Luncheon survey
With the change of our graduation and celebration to Jan 16, we would like to find out how many families can attend and maybe help with homemade dishes. Kay and Vivian can then plan ahead to make sure we don’t run out of food. It takes 30 seconds to fill the survey here http://goo.gl/forms/d5QNXw7Q4q so please respond. 
Sample lessons from 華語小學堂 Chinese Wonderland 
We put a few sample lessons from Chinese Wonderland from books 1, 2 and 5 at https://sis.nwcsny.org/ChineseWonderland/. Please click in to get a feel about the new textbook series we are hoping to phase in starting spring. The web pages are animations with sound using a web technology called Adobe Shockwave. The majority of web browsers on laptops already support Shockwave although few tablets can run it. So please use a computer to view the lessons. 
Culinary school bake sale and dumpling making photos
They have been posted here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1208. If you have taken photos, please send them to me. (I will edit them to remove close shots on faces since facial recognition technology has progressed too well lately.)
Seminar in Chinese 如何培育杰出的第二代
Westchester Chinese Christian Church 將在1/10和2/28舉辦「如何培育杰出的第二代」講座,時間是從下午1:30至3:30。講員周逸駒本身是華裔1.5代,並有20年輔導華裔青少年的經驗。他很願意利用這個機會和我們附近的華人父母談談教養下一代的問題。関於講座內容及講員簡介,請參閲http://wcccnyschool.org
Stay warm!
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極