NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 2/27

Dear NWCS families,
Welcome back after (only!) six weeks of break. I am sure our students are all looking forward to learning Chinese with their classmates. In this semester, our B track (Chinese as Second Language) teachers will pilot the new curriculum based on Chinese Wonderland that emphasizes more on speaking and listening. We are looking forward to studying students’ learning progress as well as getting parents’ feedback. Our Dean, Ms. Wang, teachers, and myself plan to brief NWCS families about the pilot next Saturday, March 5, at 11 am in the Middle School theater next to the cafeteria. 
Raffle drawing to support our school
We are still selling raffle tickets. We have Saks Fifth Ave gift cards, a Kindle Fire,  a $50 Starbucks gift card, a wonderful arts and crafts gift basket by Terry Taylor, and books published by NWCS alums as prizes. Raffle Drawing will happen on March 19th at 10am. Please come to the cafeteria during class hours to buy tickets if you have not done so already. Thank you to those who have purchased tickets!  Every penny goes to help our wonderful school! (And if you are still interested in donating prizes, please contact chairperson@nwcsny.org).
Seminar in Chinese 如何培育杰出的第二代
Westchester Chinese Christian Church 將在2/28舉辦「如何培育杰出的第二代」講座,時間是從下午1:30至3:30。講員周逸駒本身是華裔1.5代,並有20年輔導華裔青少年的經驗。他很願意利用這個機會和我們附近的華人父母談談教養下一代的問題。関於講座內容及講員簡介,請參閲http://wcccnyschool.org/
Parent duty list
Our dedicated co-counselor Suzanne has been updating the duty list based on availability requests. We are hoping to send out the next update by Friday. 

Your principal, 

Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極