NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 4/30

Dear NWCS families, 
I am back from bereavement leave and would like to express my sincere gratefulness to all the condoleances. I am especially thankful to vice principal Ping-Chuan, teachers and staff, with support from Chairman Calvin and board to keep the school running smoothly. 
Spring speech contest this Saturday
We have scheduled judges to visit our lower grades classrooms to listen to our students’ speeches. For the first time, our 10th graders are invited to join the judge panel to encourage little brothers and sisters. It will surely be a great experience from both sides. I want to ask parents to encourage but not pressure kids to practice their speeches at home. I also want to make sure we reward kids’ effort, not just results, by changing how we give out trophies. More about that later. 
Teaching positions open in the fall
Several of our wonderful teachers informed me they would like to take a break from teaching next year. The opening positions include language classes as well as electives. Please let me know if you are willing to step up to help educate our children. It is the volunteers with professional dedication and skill who created the school and made it special. We really need your help. Please let me know if you are interested in becoming a teacher. 
Buy gifts for mom and support NWCS by shopping at AmazonSmile program
Please remember to use Amazon.com through www.nwcsny.org website so we can get 0.5% of the sale proceeds from eligible purchases. The 0.5% would have been pure profit to Amazon if you do not go through our school’s link.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極