NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 6/4

Dear NWCS families, 
Thank you for reviewing the trophy list. I have sent the list to the shop on Tuesday. I was told the trophies should be ready early next week. Please let me know if you are available to help picking them up from Flushing. You will make many kids very, very happy. (Kind of like Santa! in June)
Open House this Saturday and registration opens
We need your help to increase the awareness of our school in the neighborhood and encourage your children’s friends and families in the area to come by our Open House on June 4. Ms. Terry Taylor, our Arts teacher, updated the flyer, which we would like you to print and post at your local community bulletins. The colorful, high resolution page can be downloaded here. 
Strong showing of NWCS team at ACS meeting
Let us congratulate and thank everyone for the strongest showing of our school at ACS in the past decade (or maybe longer). Our CSL track performed spectacularly with Ryan Thomas winning 1st place and Dakota Fisher-La Plante winning 3rd place, both at speech contests. All our other contestants performed really well. We are very proud of their achievements. I am especially grateful to the twelve families traveling to central Jersey on 90-degree days to attend this event on the Memorial Day holiday. Our teachers spent long hours with our kids rehearsing in the past few weeks till 30 mins before the contests. Thank you Ms. Elieen Lee, Ms. Daisy Rose and Dean Ms. Hsuei-Chin Wang. Our Vice Principal Mr. Ping-Chuan Wang put the speech and multimedia contest recordings at the following page. If you are willing to help with our Open House, please bring in your iPads or tablets so we can play back the recordings to show our visitors. 

Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Track – Why, What and How

Dean Ms. Hsuei-Chin Wang and I co-authored this writeup explaining the new CSL curriculum. Many thanks to our board member Mr. David Quinn’s professional input and editing. You can read it here http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1331. After attending the ACS contests, I feel it is really imperative that we work on our kids’ Chinese listening level that is being addressed by this curriculum. 
No rent increase for 2016-2017
We have great news from the Briarcliff school district that they will keep the rent constant for the coming year. This is partly due to our kids and parents’ effort to keep the facilities tidy and clean after use. (Let’s keep that till the last day of the semester!) This is also much attributed to the strong relationship our Chairman Emeritus Mr. Benson Louie established with the district over the past decade. Many thanks, Benson!
Year-end celebration picnic 
6/11 11AM-4PM  FDR State Park (Yorktown Heights) Parking Area 5A http://nysparks.com/parks/attachments/FranklinDRooseveltFDRPicnicMap2015.pdf  Please buy tickets at $5 per person from Francine, Kay, Vivian or any breakfast club champions. Please note there is a parking fee of $8 per car. 
Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極