NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 9/4

Dear NWCS families, 
Hope you are catching the summer rays over the long weekend. Our teachers, board members and staff have been busy preparing for the fall semester opening on September 17. You can find the 2016-2017 school calendar here http://www.nwcsny.org/?page_id=935. If you have not registered or do not know which class to enroll, please contact our registrar Mr. Tony Wu registrar@nwcsny.org or me. 
September 17 kick off and open house
We would like to ask you to attend the opening assembly at 9 am sharp. There may be a chance that we cannot use the middle school gym that day due to an event at our host school. In that case, we will meet at the cafeteria instead. We expect to reiterate school safety policy and remind students about classroom etiquette. Then students will follow their teachers to their classrooms to talk about their summer, hand in assignments and review what was learned in the spring semester. I surely hope our kids haven’t forgotten everything! Break as usual is at 10 and our languages classes end at 11 am. I would encourage all students to tour the electives starting at 11 before deciding. 
We will hold an open house that day also with the board members helping to guide perspective families. Please pass the words.
Electing class parent
As in the past years, I would like to ask each class to have a class parent so two-way communications go faster and more effectively. If you have not been a class parent before at NWCS, please consider nominating yourself. Needless for me to remind that this school is run by volunteering parents. Your active participation is what keeps the school going. 
Exciting new electives this fall
With lots of luck and effort, we are happy to announce several new electives to join our existing rich cultural activities this fall. For the kids who like to moving, moving, we have Chinese YoYo http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1390. For the kids who love handcraft, we now have Chinese knotting http://www.nwcsny.org/?p=1396. I would like to think one aspect of our school that is different from other weekday after school programs is these wonderful electives, including calligraphy, dancing, origami, arts and crafts, kung fu, chess, now knotting and yoyo. In the fall semester, we will also have invited speakers and demonstration of traditional Chinese tea art. Please stay tuned!
Finishing summer assignment
Need I say more? :-)
Your Principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極