NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 10/12

Dear NWCS families:

Chinese folk art demonstration this Saturday
The traveling artists from Taiwan will visit our school this Saturday to demonstrate sugar painting, lion head painting and lion dance in the cafeteria and middle school theater. Board members have been working hard to sort out the logistics to welcome our guests. I would encourage you and your kids to take advantage of this rare opportunity to enjoy and participate in these traditional Chinese arts. 

We would be altering the class routine slightly. At the discretion of teachers, we are dividing the classes into two visiting slots: from 9:15 to 10, below Heritage IV and CSL Intermediate I, and from 10:15 to 11, all other upper classes. Our teachers will decide how long their classes can stay. Please try to visit all three stations and ask lots of questions. Our board members will act as translators at those stations. 

Before 11, our students can get sugar painting for free, limit one per person. After 11, the demonstration is open to friends and family as well as the Briarcliff school students and teachers. Sugar painting and other art work will be for sale. Let us be a great host to visitors from our host school. 

Learning survey and feedback
Communication specialist on our board, Mr. David Quinn, will be sending out a survey this week to solicit your input and feedback on the learning environment, curriculum and any ideas to improve the school. Please take a moment to take the survey and participate in the change for the better. We need your help. 

Quiet in the hallway due to PSAT
While I am sure there will be lots of excitement and lots of sticky little fingers, please be aware that the PSAT is being administered in the Briarcliff High School gym. So we need to be mindful of hallway noise and bell ringing.

Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極