WACA Chinese New Year Festival, Feb 25

Dear friends,

We are excited to see the enthusiast responses for the New Year Festival so far!
We have an excellent list of the shows signed up by professionals and local artist groups, as well as fun activities and delicious food samples.
As you know, the Performing Arts Center at SUNY Purchase is a great venue for such festival and great shows.
Please take the advantage of the early bird prices, and get your tickets as soon as possible. All tickets include free parking at Performing Arts Center. So please come to join us, and have a fun day for your families!

Tickets including free parking: (Early bird prices end at February 13, 2017)

Type Early Bird Regular
VIP $100 $100
Adult $20 $25
Senior $15 $20
Child $15 $20

Tickets can be purchased online at:


Look forward to seeing you in the event!

The Westchester Association of Chinese Americans (WACA)

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