NWCS Weekly Newsletter – 2/24

Dear NWCS families:
Welcome back, after a long, warm winter break. Our spring semester starts this Saturday so be sure to set your alarm o’clock. 
We have reopened the registration system for SAT and new family enrollment. The rest of us who have gone through the fall semester, please do not send us another check. Tuition is paid once for the entire school year, not per semester. With that said…
First ever NWCS Challenge Grant
The board is pleased to announce that two families are offering a challenge grant in the amount of $5000. They will match up to $5000 in donations from other families and sources. This challenge grant is good until March 31. As we mentioned in the general meeting, NWCS is expecting a financial gap at the end of this school year estimated in the range of $15,000. While we have reserves, the board feels it is fiscally responsible to narrow the gap as much as we can.
ACS student contests
This year, NWCS along with 8 other Chinese schools from southeastern New York to western Connecticut will be hosting the annual ACS conference in Hartford, CT. As in the past year, I would like to encourage our best and brightest to represent our school at the student contests, ranging from singing, YoYo, multimedia, poster, to speech. Speech contests are open to the heritage and CSL tracks. Our teachers are committed to work with our student representatives to form and train the best teams. We also need parents’ support so you can participate in this annual event with us. You will soon be hearing from your teachers about what contests we aim to enter. Although the registration deadline is April 15, it never hurts to start early. 
There are both Chinese and English announcements at the conference website http://www.acsusa.org/acs2017/
You are welcome to check it out and talk to me or our ACS liaison Mr. Rick Chan to find out how you can help.  
Raffle tickets on sale
We will be selling raffle tickets in the cafeteria. The donated raffle prizes include Amazon Echo (Hello Alexa), Saks Fifth Avenue, Starbucks, CVS gift cards and more. To those who have been feeling lucky (who isn’t?), this is your chance to grab many prizes and help our school.
Your principal,
Yuan-Chi Chang 張元極