CSL Move Up Assessment

Dear CSL parents:

We will be conducting move up assessment at the end of the Spring semester to recommend students who are ready to move up to the next level. The purpose of implementing this assessment is to help students find the most appropriate learning level. The move up assessment is meant to evaluate readiness for the learning material in the next book.

The move up assessment is voluntary when a student feels she or he is ready for the 2017-2018 school year. We do not wish to force a student to go through the assessment until she or he feels prepared. After a student passes the assessment, he or she can attend class at the next level. For Advanced II students, this means they can receive academic achievement diploma at the graduation ceremony.

Students may also request to have move up assessment at the beginning of a semester, say September or February, should she or he catch up the learning level during the break.

The passing score is 60 by weighing two components: 70% from the move up assessment score and 30% from the current semester’s final grade. Please see the example test material from the PDF link below.

Please feel free to ask any questions or discuss with your teachers, Dean or me. Let’s work together to make sure our students learn well at NWCS.

CSL assessment