NWCS Fall 2017 Newsletter – Week 2

Dear NWCS families,

多謝大家的幫忙!It was so fantastic to see all the families gathered in the gym and the cafeteria last week. Not only did we welcome back our many continuing families, we also introduced our wonderful school to many new families at the open house. Special thanks to our teachers, board members and staff for a successful start to the school year! If you have any suggestions for future assemblies and open houses, please feel free to let me know!

I am away this Saturday so will not be at the school for Week 2. However, please reach out to Rick Chan (vice principal), David Quinn (board co-chair), HC Wang (school dean) or any other staff member if you need assistance. In the meantime, there are a few things I’d like to share with you:

Registration – Classes and Electives
Classes – As teachers evaluate their classes, there may be some movement from class to class in the first few weeks. We will let families know if any changes are recommended. In addition, if your child(ren) speaks with you about the current level being too difficult or too easy, please let your teacher, Dean, and myself know so that we can assess right away.

Electives – Please encourage your kids to visit and sign up for the enriching electives in the 3rd hour. We often hear back from many students how much they enjoy the fun electives. If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact our registrar, Ms. Shaowei Wu, at ​​registrar@nwcsny.org.

Be A Class Parent – Please volunteer to be a class parent! We are counting on class parents to help communicating between school, families and teacher to ensure needs are expressed and addressed. This can range from things such as homework questions or concerns, to helping with coordinating the new year’s performance.

Email distribution
NWCS communicates over emails on school news and activities. If you know people, especially new families, who are not getting this email, please have them contact our webmaster at webmaster@nwcsny.org.

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏