NWCS Fall 2017 Newsletter – Week 8

Dear NWCS families,
Hope everyone had a Happy and Safe Halloween! Thank you all for a successful and festive Halloween bake sale for the school last week! Our school secretary, Mr. Yuan-Chi  Chang, has kindly posted some photos on the school website here
Fire Drill This Saturday
We will have a fire drill from 10:45-11am this Saturday. The teachers will lead the students to the designated meeting area outside during the drill. All adults, including Chorus and Line Dance members will also need to evacuate the school when the alarm bell rings please. Kindly review the attached evacuation plan in advance, so that you are familiar with what your evacuation route is. There will be staff in the corridors to direct you to the right place, but it would be very helpful if you know where to go as well. We are aiming to complete the evaluation in less than 5 minutes so please help us make that happen!
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏