NWCS Newsletter – Chinese New Year Celebration and Graduation 2018-01-11

Dear NWCS families,

We will start our Chinese New Year celebration at 10am this Saturday at the High School auditorium!
Please still have your kids report to their classrooms at 9am to meet with the teachers.

This year, we are honoring Dr. Ifay Chang, and Ms. Wen Lin Murray for their service anniversaries! We are very grateful for their 15 years of contribution to NWCS.
You can find the final program here http://www.nwcsny.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/2018_New_Year_Program_Final.pdf

All graduates and their cheering families, kindly meet at the front of the stage at 9:55am or earlier.

Everyone, please remember to bring your dishes if you signed up for food. Luncheon tickets are available for purchase onsite for $5. Please join us for raffle drawings and games after lunch!

PS. volunteers are needed to help with the games. Please find me if you can assist!

Your principal,​​
Francine Fang 方敏