NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 7

Greetings NWCS families, 大家好,

School to start at 8:30am on May 19th
Braircliff is hosting a color run on May 19th, where the entrance to the school will be closed to all traffic from 8:30-9:30am. To accommodate this event, NWCS has decided to start school earlier that day. Teachers and families, kindly arrive school before 8:30am, ideally by 8:15AM that morning please. Classes will start at 8:30am on May 19th.

To help facilitate an orderly entry, the back parking lot by auditorium and HS cafeteria is reserved for our use. We will have staff and helpers out by the entrance gatehouse directing our families to park there. The central parking lot will be used for the school’s race. Late comers will need to park at the church lot next door and walk to school FYI.

Apologies for any potential inconvenience this may cause. We have a good relationship with Briarcliff school and will work with them next year to see if there are other ways to minimize disruption to our classes.

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏