NWCS Spring 2018 Newsletter – Week 11

Dear NWCS families,

General Assembly and Elections
We will be holding the Spring semester general assembly and elections for open board and staff positions this Sat at 9:30am. As mentioned before, the strength of our school lies in the dedication of our students, teachers, and parents too. At this time, we would like to encourage more of our parents to get involved, especially at the board and staff levels! For next year, we are looking for new Board Members and Treasurer

You can find descriptions of each of the positions here:



Please let Francine, David Quinn, or Wei (all copied on this email) know if you are interested in getting involved, or have any questions!

Annual Asian American Heritage Festival
Our school will host a booth at the AAH festival this Saturday. It is a fun event and one of the most popular ethnic cultural celebrations in Westchester. We are seeking volunteers to be present at our booth. No special skills required, just be friendly and share your experience at NWCS. Please let Wei know if you can help us at the booth!!
Free admission and parking!

Event: 21st Annual Asian American Heritage Festival
Date: Saturday, June 2, 2018
Time: 12 noon to 6 pm
Place: Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla, New York

LINK: https://artswestchester.org/21st-annual-asian-american-heritage-festival/

NWCS Open House on June 9th
Kindly invite friends and families interested in learning Chinese to visit our school (and try some of the yummy snacks from the Breakfast Club) on June 9th from 10-12noon. We have the school brochure and open house flyers attached below. Please feel free to distribute them to your local community gatherings like libraries, markets and restaurants.

​Thank you and ​best ​regards,​​
Francine Fang 方敏