NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 3

Dear NWCS families,

Welcome to Week 3! Tomorrow, Sep 28, is Confucius’s birthday and also teacher’s appreciation day at our school . Many Chinese cultural traits are deeply influenced by Confucius’s teachings, particularly reverence for educators who pass down knowledge and morality from generation to generation. When you see our teachers this Saturday, please say thank you (謝謝老師 )!

NWCS Conversation Card Game
As mentioned during week one, we are piloting a new game to encourage kids to speak more Chinese during their time in Chinese school, which will hopefully translate to more Chinese outside of Chinese school as well! Starting this week, each student will receive a conversation card, with sample phrases, and space to gather points. Students can speak to any Chinese speaking parent or staff member with the “speak to me” sticker before class, during break time, or after class, using the sample phrases or other phrases of their choice, to earn points. 10 points = free treat at breakfast club. 20 points = 2nd free treat, or 5 raffle tickets. The first topic is “Shopping,” with phrases related to buying food from breakfast club! More topics to come later in the year.

Each week we will also set up a table in the cafeteria with a “come speak to me” sign and have a couple of parents stationed there during break, to make it easier to find. After your child gets their snack, they are welcome to come sit at the table and chat and eat at the same time.

We will need Chinese speaking parent volunteers for this! Please contact Wei at chairperson@nwcsny.org if you would like to volunteer. It’s a great, easy way to get involved, and help our students speak Chinese!

Book signing by David Quinn
Save the Date: Saturday, October 6! Halloween Fun starts early this year as our own parent volunteer and co-chair David Quinn will set up in the cafeteria all morning to sell, sign and read his clever new book for kids, Go to Sleep, Little Creep. If you already bought the book — it’s discounted on Amazon Smile —bring your copy for David to personalize. Or you can buy one from him Saturday. Proceeds will benefit our special fund to help pay for our NWCS 50th Anniversary Celebration January 12.

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏