NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 4

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Early Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun starts this Saturday as our own parent volunteer and co-chair David Quinn will set up in the cafeteria all morning to discuss, sell, sign — and at 11am, read — his clever new book for kids, Go to Sleep, Little Creep. This warm, funny rhyming picture book transports us to a make-believe Halloween Night World where Monster Parents struggle to cuddle and calm their little ghosts, zombies, creatures and creeps for a good night’s – well, actually, it’s a good day’s – sleep.

Aspiring writers and editors — get answers to your questions about writing and publishing. If you already bought the book — it’s discounted on Amazon Smile —bring your copy for David to personalize. Or you can buy one from him — proceeds will benefit our special fund to help pay for our NWCS 50th Anniversary Celebration January 12. (Cash and credit cards accepted for purchase.)

Read more about the book on David’s publisher’s site: goo.gl/V319Rj

Go to Sleep, Little Creep

Calligraphy Award

Our very own 6th grader, Charlotte Shih (時祥嵐), won 3rd place in the 2018 Chinese calligraphy contest in her age group. The contest is sponsored by the Association of Chinese Calligraphy in America(美洲中華書法學會). Congratulations to Charlotte and her teacher, Ms. Daisy Rose, on this honor! 恭喜沈老師及高徒時祥嵐!!

Calligraphy award Fall 2018

Conversation Card Game

Our students had a great time with the new conversation card game last week. I am particularly impressed by two students, one collected all 20 signatures and one collected almost 20, on the first day. Well done!! For anyone else who wants to follow their footsteps, if you collect all 20 signatures by this Saturday, you can get an extra treat from the Breakfast Club on me!

A big thank you to our co-chairperson Weifang Lin, our dean HC Wang, and Dr. Ifay Chang for putting this card game together!

Conversation card 2

Your principal,
Francine Fang 方敏