NWCS 2018 Fall Newsletter – Week 5

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Parking This Saturday
Briarcliff school has informed us that parking will be very full this Saturday morning. They would very much appreciate it if we all can park in the back of the school building (turn left by the entrance guard post). The rear doors will be open so we can enter the school from the back (softball fields). We will also have volunteers to direct traffic that morning to make this process easier. Kindly also park in the designated area only to avoid any complaints from bus companies or school sports teams.

Conversation Cards
Please remind your child(ren) to bring their conversation cards on Saturday. Have them talk to parent and teacher volunteers with the “come speak to me” sign to gain points toward prizes!

Book donation
Some parents have children books in Chinese that their kids have outgrown. We thought it would be great to pass these books to younger NWCS students. If you have books in good condition, please feel free to bring them to the cafeteria on Saturdays to see if they can be free-cycled!

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏