NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 10

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Class Picture Day
A big thank you to Ke-Wei Chang, Fu-Hsuan Chiu, Harry Villareal, Kenny Soohoo, and Rick Chan for being our class photographers last week! We really appreciate your involvement. We will share these great pictures with you all at the 50th anniversary slideshow, and at our next open house!

Help with 50th Anniversary Celebration supplies
Please save the date on January 12th from mid-afternoon to dinner for our Chinese New Year and 50th anniversary celebration! Each class will be asked to contribute either hot or cold cups, small or large plates, water bottles or juice boxes for the party. Mike Yin, our class liaison and board member, will be coordinating with the class parents on supply assignments. Class parents, please be prepared to reach out to other parents in the class to gather these needed supplies. We are counting on all of you to help!

Designate NWCS at the AmazonSmile program
For your holiday shopping, please designate NWCS as your charitable organization of choice via AmazonSmile or shop on Amazon.com via www.nwcsny.org website. This is an easy way to support our school (school gets a small donation for each purchase made via the link).

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏