NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 11

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday感恩節快樂!!
A big thank you to our teachers and staff. You make a positive difference at our school each week!!
In celebration of NWCS’ 50th anniversary, we have compiled an exciting list of raffle prizes! In fact, this year we have TWO separate raffles – one for the parents, and one for the kids. The grand prize for the parent’s raffle is two round trip tickets on JetBlue. Tickets prices are as follows: 1 for $20, 2 for $30, and 5 for $50. The grand prize for the student’s raffle is the Nintendo Switch. Ticket prices are as follows: 1 for $4, 3 for $10, and 10 for $20. See attached flyer for the rest of the great prizes, and please support NWCS by buying your tickets. Who knows, you might just win! We will also continue to add prizes as they become available. If you have anything you’d like to donate, please let Wei know at chairperson@nwcsny.org.
REMINDER TO STUDENTS: This is also a great time to revive those conversation cards. Remember, if you complete the cards with 20 signatures, you can earn 5 raffle tickets towards the students raffle! Lost your conversation card? We are happy to distribute more cards if needed – just let us know.
Rebecca Lim at the Calligraphy Awards Ceremony 
林詠雯 (Rebecca Lim) and family attended the ACS awards ceremony at the Culture Center of Taipei in Flushing on Nov 17th. The Culture Center’s directors personally gave out the first place calligraphy award to Rebecca. Thank you to the Lim family for representing NWCS!
Rebecca Lim calligraphy award 2018.JPG
Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏