NWCS Fall 2018 Newsletter – Week 12

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,  
General Assembly
We will be holding a General Assembly in the cafeteria at 9:30 am this Saturday. You will be hearing updates about the school operations, activities, finance and registration from chairpersons, principal and vice-principal. We will have time for Q&A so please attend and voice your thoughts with us! 

Chinese New Year performance rehearsal starting this week
Our vice principal, Mr. Rick Chan, has organized rehearsal schedules for each class at the high school auditorium starting this Saturday. Please let us know if you are willing to help with stage setup, performance orchestration, and session control. We are looking forwarding to hosting the celebration and dinner as scheduled on January 12 (from 2:30-9pm). Dinner tickets can be purchased starting this Saturday.
Please support NWCS by buying your raffle tickets. Please remember to bring cash! If you have anything you’d like to donate, please let Wei know at chairperson@nwcsny.org.
Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏