NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 2

Dear NWCS families, 大家好, 
Welcome to Week 2 of our Spring semester!
Updated School Calendar
Please see attached calendar for the updated NWCS schedule for the spring semester.
Due to the snow day on 3/2, most events are pushed back by 1 week.
ACS Conference in Baltimore from 5/25 – 5/26
Association of Chinese School (ACS) is holding its annual conference in Baltimore this year during the Memorial Day weekend.
If any student is interested in competing in the speech, poster, or singing contest, kindly let me know!
Additional information can be found here: ACS Conference Info.
2019美東中文學校協會第四十六屆年會 將於五月廿五、廿六兩天在馬利蘭州巴爾地摩舉行。
Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏