NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 3

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,  
Happy Spring and welcome to Week 3 everyone!
Now spring is official here, I want to share one of my favorite Chinese poems with you all, 
I think most of the NWCS students had learn this little poem in Kindergarten or 1st grade.
It is called 春曉 (Spring Dawn), by 孟浩然 (Meng Haoran) a Tang dynasty poet.
Spring Dawn poem.jpg
Spring Dawn
In Spring one sleeps, unaware of dawn;
everywhere one hears crowing birds.
In the night came the sound of wind and rain;
who knows how many flowers fell?
Have your kid(s) recite this poem in the next few days.
Here are two video links in case they want a reminder!
See you on Saturday!
Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏