NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 6

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Welcome to Week 6!

Parent teacher conference
Please don’t forget to meet with your child’s teacher this Sat if the class is having the parent teacher conferences then! Kindly reserve a time slot with your child’s teachers to exchange feedback if you have not done so already. Please also feel free to reach out to any school officers if you have any questions or suggestions. We aim to continuously make improvements so would very much appreciate your inputs and involvement!

Our Board Needs You
Long time parent volunteer David Quinn will be “graduating” from service to our school this June as his daughter Ke Ting (Olivia) completes her 9th year in our CSL track. This reminds us that our board of directors needs parent volunteer. Be a board member – no experience required. NWCS needs your energy and dedication to continue evolving to the best it can be. With David retiring, we’re seeking a person (or pair of people) willing to focus on school communications and outreach to new families. David promises to advise and counsel you! If interested, please email studioquinn@gmail.com.

Friendly reminder that school will be closed on Saturday April 20th for spring break!

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏