NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 7

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Midterm Preparation
Please note most classes will have midterm exams this Saturday. Kindly work with your children to follow study instructions from their teachers.

Speech Contest Schedule
Speech contest for each class will be held on May 4th or May 11th. Please encourage the students to prepare and practice well for this exercise. We are also looking for judges so kindly reach out to us if you would like to assist.

Open House on May 18th
NWCS will be holding an Open House on Saturday, May 18th. Thanks in advance to Mr. David Quinn, our co-board chair, for leading our media effort to publicize this event. We will post the flyer and brochure on the school website shortly. Please help us spread the word and invite families who are interested in learning Chinese to join us!

Asian American Women’s Conference on Sunday 4/28
OCA Westchester is hosting an Asian American Women’s Conference on Sunday 4/28 at Pace University in Manhattan. It will be a great conference for young women and adult women to attend and will address important issues that are relevant to Asian Americans today. Please see attached flier and workshop schedule if interested.

See you on Saturday!

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏