NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 12

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

General Assembly and Elections
We will be holding a General Assembly and Elections for board/staff positions in the cafeteria at 9:30 am this Saturday. Please come to vote and hear updates about the school from chairpersons, principal and vice-principal. We will have time for Q&A too. As you know, the strength of our school lies in the dedication of our students, teachers, and parents. We would like to see more of our parents getting involved. Please consider contributing at whatever level you feel comfortable! Please reach out to me, vice principal or our board members if you want to know how you can help!

Fire Drill Update
Our fire drill came off without a hitch! Thank you to all the staff, teachers, parents and students for making our fire drill a success. According to Kenny Soohoo, one of NWCS’ main counselors, this was our fastest timed evaluation ever at 2 min 47 secs! Well done everyone and please keep safety in mind always.

Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏