NWCS Spring 2019 Newsletter – Week 13

Dear NWCS families, 大家好,

Registration for Fall 2019
Registration is open for Fall 2019! We are offering an early registration discount of $50 per student if signed up by July 15th. There is also a $30 discount per additional sibling. Kindly note that early registration discount will only be honored if the tuition is paid in full by 7/15 (postmarked on or prior to that date if mailing a check).

Language class tuition remains at $700, regular electives are at $275, and special electives (Coding, SAT, Kung Fu) are at $300. Book/material fees, family registration fees, and Paypal payment fees are additional.
Reminder that students in Heritage 6 and CSL 5 are required to take Calligraphy as a culture class (unless the student has already taken it). Parents, please have your child(ren) take an elective to make new friends outside their language classes and do something fun/hands-on!

You can register here. If you have any questions, please contract our registrar, Mr. David Chan, at registrar@nwcsny.org or me at principal@nwcsny.org

End of School Celebration
June 22nd will be the last day of school for this semester. There will be no elective classes that Saturday as we will be celebrating with some yummy snacks, drinks and food at 11am in the cafeteria instead. Parents, kindly sign-up to bring some goodies to help us celebrate!
Best Regards,
Francine Fang 方敏