NWCS Fall 2019 Newsletter – week 3

Dear NWCS families,

Welcome to Week 3!

Fall weather is upon us.  Hope everyone is slowly settling down with the class and routine.  Sep 28, is Confucius’s birthday and also marked as Teacher’s appreciation day at our school.  Please remind our children to wish our teachers a Happy Teacher’s Day (教師 節快樂)!

NWCS Registration & Withdraw
Some students may try different classes to find the suitable language level for their ages.  I’d suggest those families who have not registered yet complete the enrollment on our NWCS web site. The enrollment process will be closed in early to mid Oct.  This week (9/28/19) is the final week for withdraw with 100% refund – exclude books and registration fee.  Oct 12, 2019 will be the last deadline to withdraw with 50% refund (exclude books and registration fee).
Class Parent Volunteer
Please sign up class parent volunteer for your child(ren)’s class and participate with class activities.  We try to bring fun elements into classroom.  If parents can work with the teacher to come up ideas or props for respective classes, our students will mostly benefit and enjoy the learning experience.  
School safety is our first priority.  Please remind our students safety protocol around school premises if needed.
Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal