NWCS Fall 2019 Newsletter – week 4 – Fire Drill Exercise

Dear Families,
Many thanks for your patience and cooperation with student movement from class to class over the past couple weeks.  As students settling down with their respective classes, we should be able to focus more on teaching and learning going forward.  Please encourage our children to spend some time learning/speaking Mandarin at home and utilize different resources like Apps, Internet to practice.
Fire Drill This Saturday
Every year, we have one fire drill exercise to make sure every staff and family know the evacuation route in case of emergency.  We will have a fire drill from 10:55-11:05 AM this Saturday (10/5). When complete, 3rd hour elective will resume normally.  The teachers will lead the students to the designated meeting area outside during the drill. All adults, including Chorus and Tai Chi members will also need to evacuate the school when the alarm bell rings. Please review the attached evacuation plan in advance, so that you are familiar with what your evacuation route is. There will be staff in the corridors to direct you to the right place, but it would be very helpful if you know where to go as well. We are aiming to complete the evaluation in less than 5 minutes so please help us make that happen.
Some families have not completed the enrollment process thus far.  Please take a few moments of your time to complete school enrollment on NWCS web site.  Couple important dates to keep in mind.
Last date to withdraw with 50% refund (exclude book & registration fee) – 10/12/19
Last date of enrollment – 10/19/19
Breakfast Club
Our breakfast club members will have dumpling and yummy sticky rice sales this weekend.  Besides their regular day jobs, they have been working hard to come up different yummy breakfast items for our students to experience Asian food.  Please feel free and stop by our breakfast station in cafeteria.
Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal