NWCS – Fall’19 Week 10 – Newsletter

Dear Families,
Iteration about School Policy
Please remind our child(ren) about no food or drink in the classroom policy.  We rent the school facility from Briarcliff School District, and this is the responsibility of everyone at NWCS to keep the school facility clean and safe.  We have worked hard to build a good partnership with the District and hope to stay like this for many years to come.
Also, our classes start at 9:00 AM.  Please make sure our child(ren) arrive at school on time for their classes.
Class Picture Day
Many thanks to Kenny Soohoo, our school consuel, for being the class photographer last week! We will have to retake some classes this week. Once done, we will share these great pictures with you.
Designate NWCS at the AmazonSmile program
For your holiday shopping, please designate NWCS as your charitable organization of choice via AmazonSmile or shop on Amazon.com via www.nwcsny.org website. This is an easy way to support our school (school gets a small donation for each purchase made via the link).
School Calendar
Before planning your holiday getaway, please refer to school website and check the holiday schedule or find attached.
Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal