NWCS – Fall’19 Week 12 – Newsletter

Dear NWCS Families,
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  As heading into year end, every class has been preparing for the Chines New Year program.  Tentatively, Jan. 11 is scheduled for the celebration.  In order to have a successful celebration, we rely on our volunteers to help with different events.  Breakfast moms are always front center for all the yummy food.  We also need volunteers to get backstage ready and decorated the night before.  Our vice principal, Francine Fang, has been busy at work preparing and planning this annual celebration.  Please reach out to Francine for other volunteer opportunities.
General Assembly Meeting
We will have a general assembly meeting this weekend (12/7).  Please join us at the middle school cafeteria.
Remind Notification and Email Distribution

To better communicate school closing or other emergency announcements, if you have not yet subscribed to Remind for NWCS, please follow the below instructions to join:
Sending a text to 81010 with message text @nwcsnotify
You’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If having trouble texting to 81010, then try texting to (478) 225-3884 with message text @nwcsnotify
Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal