NWCS Spring 2020 Newsletter – Week 1 – 02/29/2020

Dear NWCS families,

Hope you are having a pleasant winter break.
Please note that our Spring 2020 semester starts Next Saturday, February 29th.
Kindly remind the kid(s) to finish their winter break homework!

This newsletter comes out earlier than usual because I would like to share with you some concerns we all might have about the novel coronavirus outbreak over these past few weeks. As we turn on the TV, browse internet news outlets, this is definitely enough to catch our attention and concern.

At the time of this writing, there is no confirmed case reported in our area although there is a report indicating some being asked to administer in-house self isolation for 2 weeks. We are monitoring the development very closely and will take proactive measurement if the situation is deemed necessary. Please take a few moments to visit CDC web site regarding things you should know, situation update, and information about the virus.


Here are some additional suggestions I’d like to suggest all families to follow:

(1). For families who have traveled abroad (to any countries, not just specific to certain Asian countries) or layover at foreign international airports, from the day of returning home, please administer in-house self isolation for at least 14 days and wait for the passing of virus incubation period. This extra precaution measure is to protect our community members for a healthy learning environment. Also, NWCS shares school facility with Briarcliff public school. We need to set standard high to make sure everyone is safe and healthy.

(2). Because of many common symptoms with regular flu, it is easy to miss the early treatment. If there is any sign of flu like symptom, please seek for professional medical opinion immediately.

(3). You probably have read some discriminatory incidences in the media. I couldn’t emphasize enough how important this is for our community. At this unusual time, please take a few minutes to discuss related matter with your child(ren). I have communicated with each teacher to make sure our students follow this policy. As a school community, we will support each other and make sure everyone is welcome.

(4). The outbreak is fluid and changes everyday. A dynamic and flexible policy is our goal to keep our students’ learning going. We will keep a close communication with local school health department and follow their medical guidance. We will actively explore ways to offer remote teaching if the situation requires.

(5). This year’s flu season seems has wider and longer impact than previous years. If you or your kid(s) catch a flu during school time, please follow school guide lines and inform teachers or me directly.

With all these guidance, I hope every family will take this into your own heart and follow. Our family’s health should be the priority. I am open for any suggestions to safe guard our community.

Finally, in case there is a weather related issue, NWCS will broadcast school closings or emergency notifications by text via Remind , in addition to emails.
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Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal