Communication about safe, healthy learning

Dear NWCS Families,

As we plan to open our spring semester this weekend, I’d like to share with everyone on the latest communication from our hosting school district about coronavirus outbreak. Please take a few moments to read through the information.

On the separate front, we have received delivery of hand sanitization products. Each class will have hygiene products make sure a safe healthy learning environment. If any flu sickness related, please follow public school guidelines to keep your child(ren) home, so as adults. Starting this week, upon entering into Chinese school front entrance, there will be hand sanitizer for use – same at the school cafeteria.

If there is any further notice or development from local school district or health department, I will communicate promptly. Last week, we had a few parents take the test run for online remote learning and went smoothly. We will keep this alternative option open if the situation is deemed necessary.

Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal