NWCS Spring ’20 – Newsletter – Week 2

Dear NWCS Families,

We had a smooth opening of our spring semester last week. That said, we can’t let our guard down with the Coronavirus. We stay in close communication with our local school district to ensure our information sharing channel stay open.

(1). NWCS class will be canceled this weekend due to concerns about the virus spread.

(2). We are putting a contingency plan. We will provide either remote learning via web based service like Google Hangouts / ZOOM or direct 1-on-1 FaceTime / Skype once a week for 15 minutes in case of school closure. Some teachers have GoogleClass in place for homework assignment and learning materials. We will continue to expand digital for our classes.

(3). Encourage your children to wash their hands frequently and cover their mouth should they cough. These simple precautions have proven effective in combating a virus as is staying home when feeling sick. In fact, we ask that if your child is ill with a fever and/or cough, that your child stay home from school. A child should remain home until fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications. If possible, measure temperature morning and evening. In fact, we encourage parents to consider exercising additional caution should a child exhibit cough or flu-like symptoms and keep them home.

Please find below guidance from government health departments. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s health, please feel free to contact me or class teachers directly.

Additional Information

CDC’s dedicated 2019-nCoV website
NYSDOH’s dedicated 2019-nCoV website
NYSDOH directory of local health departments
New York State Center for School Health website

Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal