NWCS Spring ’20 – Newsletter – Week 4 – Start 3rd Hour Online Tutoring

Dear NWCS Families,

Hope everyone is well and spend good quality time with family members. As the virus outbreak continues to spread, we will continue to offer online language learning course throughout this challenging period. Our online classes will be open at 9:00AM, and each teacher will sign in a 5~10 minutes before hand. Please supervise your child(ren) to finish their homework assignment and assist with the submission if needed.

Starting this week, we will offer online tutoring during 3rd hour period – from 11:00 ~ 12:00. In order to attend, you child will join ZOOM meeting room. Miss Fu is very kind to assist and will spend more time to help with pronunciation, speech, and listening.

If like to join her tutoring class, please use the following ZOOM meeting ID to join at 11:00 am on Saturday.

ID = 886-926-xxxx (blanked for privacy reasons; please see email from Principal)

Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳