NWCS Spring ’20 – Newsletter, Week 13 – General Assembly, Calendar

Dear NWCS Families,
I hope this letter finds you healthy and safe.  Can’t believe this semester is near the end.  Towards the end of the semester, we have a couple events on the calendar.  I would like to invite every family to join the online Town Hall meeting this Saturday (June 6th, 2020) at 9:30 AM - details below
Topic: NWCS Spring General Assembly
Time: Jun 6, 2020 09:30 AM EST

Join Zoom Meeting
<Please see principal’s email>

6/20/20 – Last day of the semester.
6/13/20 or 6/20/20 – Final Exam.
Online Summer Tutoring
Our senior students, Meilee Kry and Claudia Strollo, are very helpful and agree to assist with online tutoring this summer.  If anyone is interested in online tutoring for Chinese, please feel free to reach out and inquire about their schedule and cost:
Meilee Kry <Please see principal’s email>
David Strollo (Claudia Strollo) <Please see principal’s email>
Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal