NWCS Newsletter Week 1: Start of School Welcome – Fall 2020

Dear NWCS families,


This Saturday, September 12th, is the first day of Chinese school for the Fall 2020 semester.

Due to the pandemic this year, we will conduct virtual classroom via ZOOM or Google Meet this semester and evaluate later in the year for spring semester.  I want to take this opportunity to thank our teachers, board members, and staff for their contributions to our school smooth operation and for laying the foundation for our continued success.

In preparation for the first day of school, please see below for a few important announcements.

Open assembly
We will start school’s opening assembly at 9am sharp via ZOOM. Kindly remember to join with your child(ren).  Students will join their respective teachers via per-communicated ZOOM invite. We aim to have the students in their classrooms by 9:15am after reviewing school safety policy and classroom etiquette. Break as usual is at 10am and our languages classes end at 11 am and followed by electives until 12:00.

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: General Assembly Zoom Meeting

We will start on 9/12/20 with a ZOOM general assembly from 9-9:15am. After this, each student should sign into their respective classes. Please use this link for the general assembly.


Meeting ID: 849 9014 7401

Passcode: Ni Hao


We have added more electives and bring more culture experience for our students to learn something new, and do something fun.   Besides those electives in the email from Chairperson, Wei, we are excited to offer the Yoga class for kids (age 10+) and adults. All students are welcomed to take or tour the electives from 11am to noon.

Be our class parent
Each teacher has been asked to elect a class parent to help with events coordination and school communication chain. Please consider nominating yourself! This school depends on volunteers. Your active participation would be greatly appreciated.

Summer homework assignment
In preparation of the first day of class, kindly remind the kids to finish their summer work assignments and review what was learnt last year. For kids that have completed their summer homework assignments, they will be awarded 10 raffle tickets (pending teacher’s verification).

You can find the 2020-2021 school calendar here. If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact our registrar, Mr. David Chan, at  registrar@nwcsny.org or me directly.

Best Regards,

Rick Chan 詹文芳
NWCS Principal