NWCS Fall’20 Newsletter – 12/19/20 – Week 14

Dear NWCS Families,
Hope all is well.  The year of 2020 has been a challenge in many aspects for everyone.  I hope we will see the light in the end of the tunnel soon.  Looking back this year, we were able to make some quick decisions to keep our community safe and healthy by switching to online learning, thanks to many parents’ suggestion and assistance with the technology learning.  For most, I want to express my gratitude to our teachers for their passionate dedication and hard work to teach language and culture activities so every student can continue to learn without interruption.  Although not meeting in person every weekend, we still keep the communication in place with school staff, their volunteer is also greatly appreciated to keep our school functioning.
For the remaining two  sessions this semester,  there are few items to keep in mind:
1). 12/19/20 – It’s final week of 3rd electives.  For language class, final exam will be held starting this week.  Some may be held on 1/9/21 depending on class teacher’s schedule.
2). 12/26/20 & 1/2/21 – no school.
3). 1/9/21 – This year’s Chinese New Year celebration will be quite different from previous ones.  Each class (or combined classes) will host own performance segment during the class.  This is going to be brief and give our students the opportunity to practice what they have learned.  Please refer to the online invitation information from each class teacher.
4). You probably seen couple email communication regarding raffle drawing.  We have a great list of prizes – special thanks to generous donation from many of you.  Raffle tickets can be purchased at NWCS web site or contact NWCS Chairperson or Carolyn Koo .  Raffle drawing / general assembly will be held on 1/9/21 at 11:00 ~11:30 am.  Everyone is welcome to join via Zoom invite (detail to follow).
Finally, wish all a very happy holiday and safe and healthy New Year!
Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal