NWCS – 2021 Spring Semester Newsletter – Week 12 – 05/22/21

Dear NWCS Families,
Many thanks to our volunteers for judging the speech contest during the past three weekends.  The effort by our teachers to prepare our students for this annual event is greatly appreciated.  After finalizing each class’ score, award winning certificates will be mailed out in the next week or two.  Couple important dates to keep in mind - No school on 5/29 (Memorial Day) and last day of school on 6/12.
We have reached out to the Briarcliff school district in preparation for in-person learning in the fall semester if the situation allows.  The intention is to have all options available for us to choose from when the external factors are right.  As we move forward to summer, we will have a better picture if this fall will be in person, remote, or some type of hybrid.
Best Regards,
Rick Chan 詹文芳

NWCS Principal