NWCS WEEK01 – 09/08/2012 Welcome Back!

Hello Everyone, 大家好,

I hope that you had a great summer and are all ready for school!  I remember this commericial of parents buying school supplies while singing “It’s the most wonderful time of the year ….” and the kids following behind with their sad faces … Not sure why I thought of it often lately and why it always brings a smile to my face.   :-)  Ahhhh, I don’t know about you, but I am ready to go back to the routine.

We had a productive week 0 Teacher Meeting and Board Meeting over the Labor Day Weekend.  Thanks for all attended!  The teachers reviewed the online registration tool as well as attendance and grade tracking process.  Thanks to Charles Perng and team’s hard work in designing and implementing our on-line registration tool.  As with any new tool, some of you may have experienced some difficulities in using the tool. I hope the issues were resolved and you are ready to start school next Saturday, 9/8.  If not, please contact the Registrar asap!

Our first day of school is Saturday, 9/8.  As we have done in the past few years, we will meet at the middle school gym at 8:45 am for a brief assembly before heading to our classes.  Just follow the sign and please be on time.

Our classes are scheuduled from 9am – 11am for language classes and 11am – 12 noon for electives.   There will be a brief 10 minutes break at 10am.  The Parents-On-Duty will be ringing the bells and walking around the hallways to remind everyone to take a break (usually no reminders needed) and when to get back to the classes (definitely needed!).  No eating and drinking in the classrooms! Please help us to keep the school clean for a pleasant learning environment.

We will be posting our class withdrawal/change information on the website so please read carefully to be informed of the school policy.  For classes with low enrollments, they will be either combined or canceled.  We will notify you as we finalize the changes, if any.

In response to the survey results, the teachers will build in more conversation in the language classes, additionally, we are having two conversation classes.  Conversation I is geared towards students who are in the 1st to 3rd grade and the Conversation II is for students in 4th grade to 6th grade.  We also have an Adult Chinese Conversation class, 10 sessions, from 9:05 to 10:00.  Sign up for the classes and let’s start converse in Chinese!

For those who plan to register on the first day of school, registration starts at 9:30am to avoid disruptions to the first day of school assembly.

Last but not least, we need volunteers to help out with the breakfast club as majority of the volunteered parents have graduated along with their children.  So unless we have people step up and volunteer,we will not have the breakfast club.  If you would like to find out what you can do to help, please contact our Purchaser, Min Peryea at vmperyea@gmail.com.

School Calendar:

09/08/2012 (Week 01) – First day of school, 8:45 in the middle school gym!  (No SAT and Adult Chinese Conversation)

09/15/2012 (Week 02) – Orientation for New Families (10:15 am in the middle school theatre)

09/22/2012 (Week 03) -

09/29/2012 (Week 04) – Mid Autum Holiday Celebration

10/06/2012 – No School

星期六見!  See you on Saturday, 9/8, at 8:45 am!