NWCS Week 02 – 09/15/2012

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to week 2!  Can you believe we survived the first week?  Besides a couple of small hipcups, I have to say overall, we had a smooth assembly and a great week 1. Thanks to everyone who came 15 minutes earlier for a successful week 1.

A couple of updates for this Saturday:

1. The SAT Prep sessions start this week; be sure to have your material and be on time.  Any questions, please email Benson Louie @ chairperson@nwcsny.org.

2. The Adult Chinese Converation Class starts this week.  The Adult Chinese Conversation is from 9:05 am to 10:00am for 10 sessions.  The instructor is yours truly :-).  I hope to see many of you registered since I only have 4 students in this class as of today.   It is time to learn to say more than just “Ni Hao”!  :-)

3. The Guitar and Karaoke classes have been canceled. For the students who registered for these classes, please contact the registrar to either withdraw or change the elective.  Thanks for your cooperation.

4. The Chinese Painting class this semester will be Chinese Arts and Crafts.  The students made a clay panda last week which we will showcase on our web site once it is “cooked”.

5. The Introuduction to Chinese 1 has been combined with the 1B class.

We have quite a few new families joining us this year and I ask the teachers to help the new students to get familiar with our school.  For example, after the language classes, please help our new comers to their elective classes.  Same goes for the new students, ask your teachers if you need any assistance.  Together, we will make certain that our new students make lots of new friends and enjoy Chinese School!

On that note, we will have New Family Orientation Meeting in the middle school theatre (located right next to the cafteria) at 10:15am (right after the break).  It is an informal meeting for us to share school information and for our new families to have their questions answered. Basically an Information Q&A session.

Our registrar is working on finalizing the registration data and we wll probably have it completed after week4 once there are no more refunds.

If you would like to help with the breakfast club tasks, please see our purchaser, Min Peryea in the cafeteria or email her at vmperyea@gmail.com.

See you tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp!  Please be on time.