NWCS Week 10 – 12/01/2012

Happy December! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day!  We had about 40 family members and friends over for the holiday.   The feast is not just the traditional Thanksgiving dishes for us anymore … in addition to the two giant turkeys, we also had three ducks and sushi J … Our family members consisted of Greek, British, Dutch, Irish, German, French, Polish and of course, Chinese.  It has become an international Thanksgiving!   How was yours? 

As we prepare for the next holiday…yes, it is just around the corner … we will be taking many pictures of our students and school activities.  We will be posting these pictures on our school website, but first we need you to sign a consent form to allow us to do so.  As Mr. Mike Andrews announced at our General meeting, the forms will be sent home with your children this coming Saturday for you to read, sign and return.  The forms are also attached here.  Please return the signed forms to Mr. Mike Andrews, our school secretary, no later than 12/8. 

Graduating class! If you are in the 12th grade class in our school or in the regular school, you qualify to apply.  Your scholarship application, which is on our website, is due next Saturday, December 8th.  Please have it ready and submit it to Ms. Cherry Kung, our board member.  Good Luck!

Our teachers are also busy rehearsing for the Chinese New Year Celebration performances scheduled for the afternoon of January 12th.  Please reach out to your teachers to see if they need a hand in coordinating.  Or please let Ms. Shuna Awong, our Vice Principal, know if you can help out with the New Year preparation.  Remember, this school runs on volunteers!  I hope that all of you will find a little time during this busy holiday season to lend a hand and make this year’s celebration another huge success!   

Upcoming events:

12/08/2012 Week 11 –  Scholarship applications due; Signed consent form due.

12/15/2012 Week 12 –  HO! HO! HO!  Who is visiting our school?  Have you been good or naughty?

 12/22/2012 No School

12/27/2012  No School

01/05/2012 Week 13 –  

01/12/2012 Week 14 –  Final exam, Graduation and Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner and Performances!

 See you tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2013
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org