NWCS Week 11 – 12/08/2012

Hello Everyone,

I hope you had a great week with some of the warmer weather early on …but now it feels like winter has arrived.  The colder weather will definitely wake everyone up and keep everyone awake for Chinese School tomorrow.  J   

There are a few events happening for tomorrow:

  • Scholarship applicationsare due tomorrow.   Please see Ms. Cherry Kung.
  • Parent consent forms are due tomorrow.  We will be taking many school pictures and would like to have your permission.  Please take a few minutes to review and sign the form sent home with your kids last week.  The form was also attached in last week’s email.   Please see Mr. Mike Andrews.
  • Our Annual New Year Celebration is scheduled for January 12 and as we do every year, we have great prizes.  The raffle tickets will be on sale starting this Saturday!!  Look for the sale in the cafeteria.   
  • And last but not least, next Saturday, 12/15 is our last day of Chinese School of the year before the holidays!  As you shop for the holidays, please also check out our Shop.com (http://www.shop.com/search/nwcsny), the link is also on our school site.  As mentioned during the General Meeting, you can purchase almost anything your heart desires on this site which sometimes even have a better prices than in the stores … and that’s not all, with each purchase, a certain percentage will be donated to our school.   I was looking for gift cards for the teachers and this would be a great place to shop!  Won’t you give it a try!!!!!  Any questions about the site, please see Ms.  Cindy Huang. 
  • Board meeting is scheduled at 10:10am in the faculty room.

Whew, that was a mouth full!  Now that I have taken care of the business items, just wanted to share the following with you:

One of my twins came home from school and told me this story.  One of his friends told him that he got a “B” on one of his exams.  His mom looked at the grade for a while and said to him, “Remember son, we are A’sian not B’sian. “  Boy, tiger moms everywhere.  Of course my son said “… but mom, aren’t we ‘C’hinese?” With a deadly glare from me, he knew better. J With that, don’t forget to finish your homework for tomorrow and study for the quizzes.  Remember, we are ‘A’merican, not ‘B’merican!  J  Relax!  Tis the season to be jolly …

It is Friday, have you ordered your lunch for Saturday yet?  Here is the link:

See you tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2013
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org