NWCS Week 12 – 12/15/2012

Tis the season to be jolly … hello everyone,

I was hoping that this weekly email would be a light hearted one given the upcoming holiday season, but I am sorry to say that there have been some disturbing events at our school that I need to bring to your attention.

There were at least 2 incidents with the classrooms in the past 3 weeks that our chairman was contacted by the host school’s principal and teachers.  Both incidents involved the teachers’ desks.  One had the paper totally re-arranged and unorganized and the other incident from last week, the teacher found glue stick marks run across the computer monitor.  I find these incidents quite disturbing as we have always prided ourselves on taking good care of the school property as a way of showing our appreciation to the school sharing space with us.  I know that the teachers are doing their best to control the classroom and making sure that the classrooms are put back to the way it was found.  Our counselors and chairman take a tour every Saturday after school is over to make sure that the classrooms are in good order, but we need your help as well!

Just a few reminders:

  • ·         Students are not to touch the teachers’ desks in the classrooms;
  • ·         No running in the school hall ways (this is no different than the regular school days);
  • ·         No eating or drinking in the classrooms;
  • ·         Students who do not attend class during the 3rd period should stay in the cafeteria with their parents.

I am asking the parents on duty to help monitor the activities in the hall ways and the teachers to make sure that there is no eating or drinking in the classrooms.  I am asking that the students help the teachers to maintain the classroom and together we can continue to use this wonderful school to learn Chinese together.  Any feedback or ideas on how we can further improve our control, please share with me.  (No, George, we cannot use the bamboo stick!)  After all, this is our school and we are all in this together!  Please help!

On a lighter note, this is our last week of school for the year.  Some teachers are scheduling their Chinese New Year performances rehearsals in the High School Auditorium.  I hope you will encourage your kids to practice and invite everyone in your family and friends to come see them perform on January 12, 2013. 

As for tomorrow, someone in a big red suit might be visiting … hope you all have been good this year … HO HO HO!  Let’s have a great last class of the year and welcome the New Year with lots of cheers …

See you tomorrow!  Classes start at 9:00am sharp.  Please be on time.    

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2013
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org