NWCS Week 14 – 01/12/2013

Hello Everyone!

Here we are! The last week of the Fall Semester!  We have final exams on Saturday and then the celebration starts! 

Graduation for the 6th grade and 9th grade (as of the Spring of 2012), and the 12th grade will start at 1:30 pm in the High School auditorium.  The High School auditorium is the first building when you come into the school.  It is connected to the Middle School.  This year we have seventeen  6th graders graduating, six 9th graders and nine 12th graders!  Lots of diplomas to give out! What a wonderful time this is.  J

Please find out the time and location to meet for your class’s performances from your teachers and be on time!  The teachers and students have been working very hard on their performances and the staff has been working tirelessly preparing the stage, coordinating the dinner menu, and organizing the carnivals to guarantee a fun day for all.  

I hope you have purchased your dinner tickets and will be joining us for a day of wonderful activities! 

Cindy Huang and Cherry Kung, our board members, want me to remind you that there is still time to purchase your raffle tickets.  30 tickets for only $20.  The prizes include a Kindle Fire HD, PS3, tons of gift cards (thank you to those who donated them) and much more!  Cindy and Cherry will be in the cafeteria.

And if you are like me, planning to stay in the school throughout the day, you can order your lunch and the kids can enjoy a movie between 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm.  Save time and gas (driving home and back).  Order your lunch here:

After the celebration, we will be off for the holidays, Chinese New Year is February 10th and it is the year of the Snake!  We will be back for week 1 of the Spring semester on February 23. 

See you on Saturday!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.    

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2013
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org