NWCS Spring 2013 – Week 04 – 03/16/2013

Happy St. Patty’s Day!  Hope everyone had a good week and is ready for the Chinese School tomorrow.

There have been some inquiries regarding the school schedule.  Traditionally, we follow the hosting school’s calendar and during the one week break, we take the first Saturday off.  Therefore we are scheduled to be off next Saturday, March 23, 2013, as the hosting school starts their Spring break.  We will resume our next class on March 30, 2013.  Some families have mentioned that March 31st is Easter and they will be missing school on the 30th as they will be traveling.  That said, we are asking the teachers to take that into consideration … maybe no quiz on the 30th?  J  In any case, if there are still quizzes, one can always take a make up the following week.

Just a reminder, one of the counselors pointed out to me that my twins missed the calligraphy class on week 2. As spring arrives and the sport season starts, if your kids are going to miss classes, please inform the teachers so they are aware.  As you can see, I forgot to do so and already was called out.  In all seriousness, it is for the safety of the students and to not cause unnecessary worries for the teachers. 

A quick glance at the upcoming weeks:

03/16 – Week 04

03/23 – No School

03/30 – Week 05 – Parent Teacher meeting, possibly will be rescheduled due to reason stated above

04/06 – Board Meeting

We are also working with ACS – the Association of Chinese Schools to host two events: Karoke contest and Writing Contest.  More details to follow.

I wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Don’t forget to wear something green.  Green ties, green shoes, green shirt, green skirt, green gloves, green hats …. Ummm, actually, green hats are a big no no in Chinese culture.  A green hat means a woman did something inappropriate (to say it nicely) and brought shame to the husband and now the husband has to wear a green hat!  So wear anything green but the hat!   

We sent out an invitation to some of our Irish friends (everyone is Irish on St. Patty’s Day) to a cornbeef and cabbage luncheon … one friend RSVPed and said “We will be there, what should we bring?”  I replied “Didn’t you read the invite, bring cornbeef and cabbage”.  J    

Speaking of food, don’t forget to order your lunch!  Here is the link

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2013
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org