NWCS Spring 2013 – Week 08 – 04/20/2013

Hi Everyone,

It is already week 8! Do you know what that means?  It means you have made it through half of the semester already … Time really does fly when you are having fun!  J  

We are having our Speech Contest tomorrow for the lower grade students and Essay Contest for our senior grades.  Good luck to all the students!  Do your best and have FUN!! 

Next Saturday we will have the Chinese Vocabulary Connect 5 contest for the middle grades in the Cafeteria starting at 11:05.  For those who plan to participate, please send an email to Dean@nwcsny.org  by 4/25. 

There is also another ACS Speech Contest which will be host at our school on 5/4.  This Speech Contest is for the different Chinese Schools in the 2Nd Region which includes schools from Buffalo, Westchester, Long Island, as well as from Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.   See attached for additional information.  If you are interested, please sign up as soon as possible. 

This time of year, many families are planning trips to visit college campuses.  In talking to Benson, it came up that he went to MIT.  I said I am MIT too.  He said “Really?”  I said “Yeah, Made In Taiwan”.  J

Don’t forget to order your lunch here.

See you all tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am sharp.  Please be on time.  

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2013
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org