NWCS Spring 2013 – Week 10 – 05/04/2013

Happy May Everyone!  It felt like we just celebrated the New Year and here we are, almost reaching the half year mark!  After this Saturday, week 10, there are only 4 more Saturdays left.  Several parents asked me about the snow day on the calendar.  That date will be used as a place holder, just in case we have to cancel school due to weather or any other unexpected circumstance.  Our last day of school is June 8th with our annual picnic immediately following after school!  Our co-vice principals are busy planning many activities so mark your calendars! 

Tomorrow is the ACS Speech Contest.  We have 3 students signed up for the contest!  Please be at the theatre at 9:30am.  Good luck!

We are having our general meeting on May 18th where we will be electing new board members and administration staff.  Please do volunteer and be part of this wonderful team!

There is also the 16th Annual Asian American Heritage Festival on May 18th from 12 noon to 6pm at the Kensico Dam Plaza.  Ms. Cindy Huang, board member, will distribute some flyers tomorrow in the cafeteria for more information.   

So I have been substituting for the 7B class.  One of the students, Zoe, is having her Bat Mitzvah and she invited everyone in the class.  The only thing is, it is taking place on Saturday morning … so I told the class they can all go and enjoy the celebration with Zoe, who they have known since kindergarten in Chinese school.  I told them I just need everyone to write a short paragraph about the event which will count as their weekly homework and quiz.  One kid asked “Do we have to write it in Chinese?”  I told them “No, if you like, you can also write it in Hebrew”!

Don’t forget to order your lunch here!

See you tomorrow!  Classes start at 9am.  Please be on time.

李宜蓉 Eileen Y. Lee
北威校長 NWCS Principal, 2009-2013
GO NWCS!!!!  Visit www.nwcsny.org
or email LearnChinese@nwcsny.org